PLIDA is an acronym for “Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri”

It is awarded by the Societa' Dante Alighieri on the basis of an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Conv. n. 1903 of 4.11.1993). The PLIDA certification, which is the only examination in Hong Kong to prove the proficiency level reached by students, is recognized by the Italian Government.

PLIDA is divided into 3 main levels: A – B – C. Each level is divided in 2 sub-levels: 1 and 2.

With the PLIDA certificate, you can:

- indicate your level of knowledge of Italian language in your curriculum

- enroll to the Italian universities without the exam of Italian (level B2 or C1)

- obtain the permit of long stay in Italy for non-European citizens (at least level A2)