COURSE Please check the course code and course name carefully, make sure you select the right course ---- 2025 Term 1 -Italian Language Class: Intensive A1.1 (Tue & Thu) DA012501Italian Language Class: A1.1 (Saturday) DA012502Italian Language Class: A1.1 (Tuesday) DA012503Italian Language Class: A1.1 (Tuesday) DA012536Italian Language Class: A1.2 (Saturday) DA012504Italian Language Class: A1.2 (Wednesday) DA012505Italian Language Class: Intensive A1.2 (Tue & Thu) DA012506Italian Language Class: A1.2 (Thursday) DA012507Italian Language Class: A1.3 (Saturday) DA012535Italian Language Class: Intensive A1.3 (Tue & Thu) DA012510Italian Language Class: A2.1 (Monday) DA012511Italian Language Class: A2.1 (Saturday) DA012509Italian Language Class: A2.1 (Tuesday) DA012512Italian Language Class: A2.1 (Thursday) DA012513Italian Language Class: A2.2 (Saturday) DA012514Italian Language Class: Intensive A2.2 (Tue & Thu) DA012515Italian Language Class: A2.3 (Thursday) DA012516Italian Language Class: A2.3 (Wednesday) DA012517Italian Language Class: A2.3 (Saturday) DA012518Italian Language Class: Intensive A2.3 (Tue & Thu) DA012519Italian Language Class: B1.1 (Wednesday) DA012520Italian Language Class: B1.1 (Saturday) DA012521Italian Language Class: B1.2 (Tuesday) DA012522Italian Language Class: B1.2 (Saturday) DA012523Italian Language Class: B1.3 (Thursday) DA012524Italian Language Class: B1.3 (Saturday) DA012525Italian Language Class: B2.2 (Monday) DA012526Italian Language Class: Intensive B2.1 (Wed & Fri) DA012527Italian Language Class: B2.3 (Saturday) DA012528Italian Language Class: B2.4 (Saturday) DA012529Italian Language Class: C1.3 (Monday) DA012530Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Wednesday DA012531Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Friday DA012532Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Saturday DA012533Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Monday (Online) DA012534- 2024 Term 3 -Italian Language Class: A1.1 (Saturday) DA032431Italian Language Class: A1.1 (Thursday) DA032432Italian Language Class: A1.1 (Saturday) DA032433Italian Language Class: Intensive A1.1 (Tue & Thu) DA032434Italian Language Class: A1.2 (Saturday) DA032402Italian Language Class: A1.3 (Monday) DA032403Italian Language Class: Intensive A1.3 (Tue & Thu) DA032404Italian Language Class: A1.3 (Tuesday) DA032405Italian Language Class: A1.3 (Saturday) DA032406Italian Language Class: A1.3 (Thursday) DA032401Italian Language Class: A2.1 (Saturday) DA032407Italian Language Class: Intensive A2.1 (Tue & Thu) DA032408Italian Language Class: A2.2 (Thursday) DA032409Italian Language Class: A2.2 (Wednesday) DA032410Italian Language Class: A2.3 (Wednesday) DA032411Italian Language Class: A2.3 (Saturday) DA032412Italian Language Class: Intensive B1.1 (Wed & Fri) DA032420Italian Language Class: B1.1 (Saturday) DA032413Italian Language Class: B1.1 (Tuesday) DA032414Italian Language Class: B1.2 (Thursday) DA032415Italian Language Class: Intensive B1.2 (Wed & Fri) DA032416Italian Language Class: B1.2 (Saturday) DA032417Italian Language Class: Intensive B1.3 (Wed & Fri) DA032418Italian Language Class: B2.1 (Monday) DA032419Italian Language Class: B2.2 (Thursday) DA032421Italian Language Class: B2.2 (Saturday) DA032422Italian Language Class: B2.3 (Tuesday) DA032423Italian Language Class: C1.2 (Monday) DA032424Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Wednesday DA032425Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Saturday DA032426Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Friday DA032427Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Saturday DA032428Italian Language Class: Italia Oggi Monday (Online) DA032429 PERSONAL INFORMATION Title: First name: Last name: Date of birth: (dd-mm-yyyy) Gender: FM Place of birth: Nationality: Address: Telephone: Email address: Mother tongue: Other languages: Have you studied Italian before? NoYes How long have you been studying Italian? Purpose of study: Occupation: Are you a DA member? NoYes Discount Code (If Any): Important note: Starting from 01 Jan 2022, a non-refundable Registration Fee of 150 HKD per course is charged upon enrollment of the course. However, if you join our new Student Membership (Annual fee - 150HKD) the Registration fee is waived, and you can also enjoy many benefits and discounts around the city. I wish to receive the news about Italian courses, cultural events, workshops, special offers and other promotional emails from Dante Alighieri Society in Hong Kong PAYMENT METHODS Payment methods: By postMoney transferIn person 1. By post You can send us a crossed cheque made payable to “Dante Alighieri Society Limited” to Room 702, 7/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 2. Money transfer You can transfer the fee to our HSBC account and email us the transfer slip for our reference. (Bank details will be sent to you upon receipt of your enrollment) 3. In person You can come to our office and pay for it by cash (exact amount), EPS or cheque payable to “Dante Alighieri Society Limited” during our office hours. (no credit card) IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Enrollment period is from now until five (5) calendar days before the commencement date of the course. Enrollment is made on a first-come-first-served basis and will be processed when the Enrollment form is completed and the first installment is received. Late submission will only be considered if there are still vacant places. 2. Student should settle the full course fee upon enrollment and cannot withdraw from the course once the course commenced. 3. Our teachers are native Italian speakers. All courses will be conducted in English and Italian. The allocation of teachers will be changed if necessary and students will be duly informed. 4. Any updates or changes in the schedule and the location will be posted on our website. We reserve the right to make changes if necessary and students will be duly informed. 5. By the end of the course, each student must pass the required test to be promoted to the next level. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon request within one month after the course end date if the student has attended a minimum of 80% of the course. This certificate, however, does not certify any proficiency of the linguistic knowledge achieved by the student. Such a certificate will be issued only ONCE. 6. In general, course fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Please refer to the refund policy below for details. Transfer to another course is permitted if the enrolled course is full or cancelled. In any other event, no course transfer will be approved. A. Refund Policies: i. In case of school closure prior to the commencement of a course, our school will refund in full the course fee collected to students immediately. ii. If a course cannot be operated according to the arrangements specified in the fee receipts and students decline the revised arrangements offered by our school, our school will refund in full or on a pro-rata basis the course fee collected to students as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the students have requested for the refund. iii. If a course cannot be operated on the date or at the time specified in the course schedule and students decline the revised arrangements offered by our school, our school will refund in full or on a pro-rata basis the course fee collected to students as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the students have requested for the refund. iv. In case of cessation of a course caused by the school after its commencement, our school will refund to students the course fee collected on a pro-rata basis as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the cessation of the course. B. Refund Procedures: i. Our school will inform students of the refund arrangement either over the telephone or in writing. For students aged below 18, their parents or guardians can proceed with the refund procedures on behalf of the students. ii. Our school will refund students in accordance with the above policies. iii. When processing the refund, our school will not take away the original fee receipts. Upon receipt of the refund, students or parents should sign to acknowledge the receipt. iv. Our school will pay a refund by cheque within one month. v. The original formal receipt must be submitted for refunds. No refunds will be made if the student cannot produce the original formal receipt. The receipt will be printed only ONCE. 7. The student should retain the receipt for refund purposes. The receipt of the course fee will be printed only ONCE. 8. If typhoon signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm is hoisted 2 hours before the lesson starts, the lesson will be cancelled and no make-up lesson will be made. No refund will be made due to bad weather. 9. Starting from 01 Jan 2022, a non-refundable Registration Fee of 150 HKD per course is charged upon enrollment of the course. However, if you join our new Student Membership (Annual fee - 150HKD) the Registration fee is waived, and you can also enjoy many benefits and discounts around the city. Textbook Fees A1.1 - A1.3: Nuovo Espresso 1 ($330) A2.1 - A2.3: Nuovo Espresso 2 ($330) B1.1 - B1.3: Nuovo Espresso 3 ($330) B2.1 - B2.5: Nuovo Espresso 4 ($330) C1.1 - C1.5: Nuovo Espresso 5 ($330) C2.1 - C2.5: Nuovo Espresso 6 ($330) *You can buy the textbook at our reception. If your course is held outside our office or on Sat, please come earlier to buy the learning materials. Students who sign up for a course are expected to attend all the lessons. Partial registration is not accepted. We offer individual make-up class at a special rate for current DA group class students. We recommend this for students who miss the class and would like to catch up with other classmates. For details, please email to DECLARATION I have read and agreed to the important notes stated above. I agreed to settle the whole course fee and understand that I cannot withdraw from the course once the course commenced. I declare that all information given in this enrollment form is accurate and complete. I understand that due to coronavirus pandemic, in order to ensure the safety of students and staff, the mode of instruction may be subject to change from face-to-face to online, or vice versa, at the discretion of the school and in accordance with the instructions from the Education Bureau and the situation in Hong Kong. Δ If you experience an error, please send an email to and we will assist your enrollment. Click here to subscribe DA membership